Zeta Myoglobin Antibody. Zeta’s recombinant rabbit antibody recognizes Myoglobin, a cytosolic oxygen-binding protein responsible for the storage and diffusion of oxygen within myocytes. Expression of Myoglobin is highest in skeletal and cardiac muscle. Myoglobin is well accepted as an O2-storage protein in muscle, capable of releasing O2 during periods of hypoxia or anoxia. In combination with other striated muscle markers such as vimentin and myogenin, myoglobin is helpful in the identification of rhabdomyosarcoma and tumors with skeletal muscle differentiation. Reportedly, Mglobin is expressed on epithelial cancer cells due to changed metabolic and environmental conditions.
Zeta Corporation is a leader in recombinant monoclonal IVD antibodies for immunohistochemistry (IHC) offering 400+ tumor and tissue specific relevant products developed by a pathologist for pathologists. Visit Precision Recombinant Antibodies – IVD Antibodies – About Zeta Corporation (zeta-corp.com) to learn more about Zeta Corporation.