Zeta Cyclin D1 Antibody. Zeta’s recombinant rabbit antibody recognizes Cyclin D1 (known as PRAD-1 or bcl-1), one of the key cell cycle regulators, and functions in association with CDK4 and CDK6 by phosphorylating the Rb protein. Cyclin D1 is a putative proto-oncogene over expressed in a wide variety of human neoplasms including mantle cell lymphomas (MCL).
Zeta’s recombinant mouse antibody recognizes Cyclin D1, one of the key cell cycle regulators, is a putative proto-oncogene overexpressed in a wide variety of human neoplasms. Cyclin D1 is a protein of 36kDa. The Cyclin D1 antibody neutralizes the activity of Cyclin D1 in vivo. About 60% of mantle cell lymphomas (MCL) contain a t(11; 14)(q13; q32) translocation resulting in over-expression of Cyclin D1. The Cyclin D1 antibody is useful in identifying mantle cell lymphomas (Cyclin D1 positive) from CLL/SLL and follicular lymphomas (Cyclin D1 negative). Occasionally, hairy cell leukemia and plasma cell myeloma weakly express Cyclin D1.
Zeta Corporation is a leader in recombinant monoclonal IVD antibodies for immunohistochemistry (IHC) offering 400+ tumor and tissue specific relevant products developed by a pathologist for pathologists. Visit Precision Recombinant Antibodies – IVD Antibodies – About Zeta Corporation (zeta-corp.com) to learn more about Zeta Corporation.