Zeta CD56 Antibody. Zeta’s recombinant mouse antibody recognizes CD56 (NCAM), a glycosylated or sialylated protein expressed on most neuroectodermal derived cell lines, tissues, and neoplasms such as retinoblastoma, medulloblastoma, astrocytoma, and neuroblastoma. CD56 is also expressed on some mesodermally derived tumors such as rhabdomyosarcoma and also on natural killer cells. Three isoforms of CD56 or the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) are produced by differential splicing of the RNA transcript from a single gene. The CD56 antibody recognizes a 135kDa isoform or the basic molecule.
CD56 is a marker of natural killer (NK) cells and NK lymphomas, and a subset of T cell lymphomas can show expression of CD56. CD56 is a sensitive marker for neuroendocrine tumors in the majority of small cell carcinoma and carcinoid tumors. CD56 is not specific for neuroendocrine differentiation; should always be used in conjunction with other markers of neuroendocrine lineage such as synaptophysin and chromogranin.
Zeta Corporation is a leader in recombinant monoclonal IVD antibodies for immunohistochemistry (IHC) offering 400+ tumor and tissue specific relevant products developed by a pathologist for pathologists. Visit Precision Recombinant Antibodies – IVD Antibodies – About Zeta Corporation (zeta-corp.com) to learn more about Zeta Corporation.