Zeta Steroidogenic Factor 1 (SF-1) Antibody. Zeta’s recombinant mouse antibody recognizes Steroidogenic Factor 1 (SF-1), an orphan nuclear receptor that belongs to subfamily 5 and where oxysterols are suggested as its ligands. SF-1 has been found to be a regulator of steroidogenic enzyme gene expression. SF-1 is expressed in all steroidogenic tissues, including the adrenal cortex, testicular Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells, ovarian theca, hypothalamus, and anterior pituitary. SF-1 plays an important role in adrenal and gonadal development. SF-1 is highly valuable marker to determine the adrenocortical origin of an adrenal mass.
The SF-1 antibody can be useful for diagnosis of gonadotroph adenomas as a more sensitive than antibodies to LH and FSH; is a sensitive and specific marker of sex cord stromal tumors of the ovary and can be used to distinguish these tumors from other types of ovarian tumors; is helpful in distinguishing adrenal cortical neoplasms from other tumor types; and is useful in the setting of testicular tumors. Additional information can be found at Pathology Outlines – SF1.
Zeta Corporation is a leader in recombinant monoclonal IVD antibodies for immunohistochemistry (IHC) offering 400+ tumor and tissue specific relevant products developed by a pathologist for pathologists. Visit Precision Recombinant Antibodies – IVD Antibodies – About Zeta Corporation (zeta-corp.com) to learn more about Zeta Corporation.