Breast Pathology
    ZR455 Rabbit Monoclonal

    The BRCA-1 gene codes for a nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a role in maintaining genomic stability and acts as a tumor suppressor. Mutations of BRCA1 genes have been linked to an increased risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers. Individuals with certain mutations in BRCA1 may have a higher likelihood of developing these cancers compared to those without the mutations. BRCA1 immunohistochemistry is commonly used in research and clinical settings. It can provide valuable information about the status of the BRCA1 protein in cancerous and non-cancerous tissues. Changes in BRCA1 expression can be associated with certain types of breast and ovarian cancers, and this information may be used in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment planning for patients.

    Species Reactivity:Humans; others not tested
    Known Applications:Immunohistochemistry (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues)
    Supplied As:Buffer with protein carrier and preservative
    Storage:Store at 2ºC to 8ºC
    Control:Breast carcinoma with BRCA-1 gene mutation
    Immunogen:Synthetic peptide to human BRCA1 protein
    Ordering Information
    Classification IVD
    Catalogue Number Z2812RL
    Classification IVD (Non-EU)/ RUO (EU)
    Catalogue Number Z2812RL
    Package Inserts
    IFU-BRCA-1 ZR455 - IVD
    Regulatory Notice
    Product classification varies based on regulations of individual countries. Please contact your local distributor for more information. Products labeled as ASR or RUO in the US might be available as IVD or RUO in respective countries.
    IFU-BRAC-1 ZR455 RUO
    Regulatory Notice
    Product classification varies based on regulations of individual countries. Please contact your local distributor for more information. Products labeled as ASR or RUO in the US might be available as IVD or RUO in respective countries.