Zeta CD23 Antibody. Zeta’s recombinant rabbit antibody recognizes CD23 (FCE2), a type II integral membrane glycoprotein expressed on mature B cells, monocytes, eosinophils, platelets, and dendritic cells. CD23 is a low-affinity IgE receptor that mediates IgE-dependent cytotoxicity and phagocytosis by macrophages and eosinophils. CD23 associates as an oligomer where cooperative binding of at least two lectin domains is required for high-affinity IgE binding to CD23. CD23 may play a role in antigen presentation by B cells by interacting with CD40. CD23 is associated with the Fyn tyrosine kinase. The truncated CD23 molecule can be secreted, then function as a potent mitogenic growth factor. CD23 is expressed on a subpopulation of peripheral blood cells, B-lymphocytes, and EBV transformed B lymphoblastoid cell lines. CD23 is also detected in neoplastic cells from B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases and some cases on centroblastic/centrocytic lymphoma.
Zeta Corporation is a leader in recombinant monoclonal IVD antibodies for immunohistochemistry (IHC) offering 400+ tumor and tissue specific relevant products developed by a pathologist for pathologists. Visit Precision Recombinant Antibodies – IVD Antibodies – About Zeta Corporation (zeta-corp.com) to learn more about Zeta Corporation.